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Dear candidate,

The information that is contained in your application and CV, will be stored in unified personnel search database of companies related to ABC GRUPP (such as AbeStock AS, ABC Motors AS, ABC Rent Eesti AS, Merada OÜ, Modera AS, Unifed OÜ). The information is stored only to consider your suitability for some job positions offered.

We ensure that candidates‘ personal information will not be used in any other context and is not communicated to third parties. Your data will be stored for a maximum of 5 years from the end of the recruitment process. After that your data will be deleted according to law.

You have the right to receive information about the collected data at any time. Upon request, we will delete your data from our database immediately.
Data is processed by the company that you have applied to. The responsibilities of data processing lie upon that company. If you should have any questions regarding personal data and its processing, please contact us at staff@abc.ee. By applying, you agree that we have the right to share your data with our partners for necessary steps in the recruitment process.

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